Sunday, December 13, 2009

Good Morning everyone. Happy Sunday to you all.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Check out the premier issue of my new magazine SLRP featuring Mayday Island at

Monday, November 9, 2009 has reached 10,007 hits in 8 months it's been up. Not bad for a SL blog on role play.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I just blogged - The Road Less Taken at #sl #secondlife

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I blogged - Sayonara さようなら at

Monday, October 12, 2009

When Second Life Becomes Your First Life

Take a look at this video from BBN3/Vancouver about all the great things that can be done within the Second Life metaverse. I recommend it highly as there are not too many videos out there that put Second Life in a positive view.
I just blogged - The Art of Defeat #sl #secondlife

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I just blogged - It's All About The Props

Friday, September 25, 2009

Linden Lab Targeted in Second Life Sex-Code Lawsuit

Just one of what I've heard are countless issues with Linden Labs turning a blind eye to copyright infringement. Maybe this lawsuit will wake them up to the realities of what has been happening for a very long time in as far as copybots and other software made to copy and steal the very source of the economy of Second Life.

Content creators in Second Life have created a virtual economy that Linden Labs enjoys and profits from. Everything from skins, hair, and eyes, to weapons, homes, and clothing is being copied and stolen by these racketeers. Sadly, complaints to Linden Labs regarding stolen property fall on deaf ears.

It's time for them to perhaps create a department that deals solely with complaints of theft and copying. It might be the best way to tackle this problem head on, and show the entire Second Life community that something will be done about their complaints.

Linden Lab Targeted in Second Life Sex-Code Lawsuit

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

The future of virtual worlds

This short film gives us some insight into what the future may hold for the development of virtual worlds. It is very well made and really gives one much to think about as well as ponder on what could be.

World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo.

Monday, March 2, 2009

IBM hold meetings in Second life

This is part of the benefits of virtual worlds. Meetings that can be conducted without spending money on hotels, airfare, and other expenses. The future of virtual worlds needs to count on corporate sponsorship and collaboration to continue to grow and be accepted as another medium of communication and global interactivity.

IBM holds meetings in Second life

Do we need yet another Second Life Blog?

Sure, Why not? I'm going to give this a shot and try my best to keep it updated and filled with the latest news, happenings, and anything else that is related to Second Life. I might pass on a link or a pic I get from a Plurk buddy, something I come up on in my internet travels, or anything that heads my way. Even if for now, it is just another useless blog, we'll see if something comes of it. It might turn out to be better than expected.