Saturday, April 23, 2011

This Blog is Moving to Wordpress

After much thought and consideration, I've decided to move this blog over to Wordpress where I consider I'll have more advanced options and access to the tools I need to makes this blog much better and hopefully gain a few more readers. The new address is and the transfer will occur slowly over the next week.

Thanks for reading this blog and for your continued support.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Show Us Your Digits

Yesterday, Strawberry Singh posed a question to all of us. "What are your digits or avatar stats?"

Suddenly we all started to look at the stats that comprise how our avatars look. Numbers like shoulder width, hip size, and torso length each make the avatar an individual among the many. Today it took off like wildfire as a Flickr group, called What's Your Digits?, was created to hold all the pictures that began to surface of avatars and their digits. As the day progressed more and more pictures were added. And the conclusion was that every avatar is as unique as the human behind it.

Lourdes and I did ours today.

Lourdes -

Salvatore -

Now it's your turn. Show us your digits.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lourdes & I will collaborate to cover this. Its also for a good cause.RFL of SL presents Fantasy Faire 2011:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Empty Universe

This machinima caught my eye after it was posted on Facebook earlier today. It was made with shadows in mind and shows off what can be accomplished with the 2.0 viewers.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good morning. Hoping everyone has a great Tuesday. I blogged "...Do Us Part"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I blogged - 2010 in review
Thanks to all for a great year. More to come.