Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is It April Fool's Already?

I have to laugh, and laugh hard when I see a random post thrown on Twitter get so much press that they actually think it's true. I don't know the person that posted the news, but according to several comments on different sites, the poster is alleged to have been banned from Second Life for griefing and is most likely making up the whole story. That would be funny enough, but sadly the media always wants to be the first to report any news story.

Today a tech blog,, posted the rumor that Microsoft was looking into purchasing Second Life. While I don't have a problem with rumors being posted, I do have a problem with journalists or bloggers using old pictures showing griefing attacks, calling SL a place for sex, and generally not knowing a thing about what Second Life is and what is going on inworld. Instead of responsible and educated journalism, you have a hack who has obviously never been in SL making comments that have no basis. At no time was the artistic or creative side of SL ever mentioned. A small segment of the virtual world population was highlighted as the basis for defining SL.

The worst part of this news is that this has caused a media frenzy with reputable sites like ZDnet having picked up the story as well as many other blogs and websites. All this from a Tweet. Go figure.

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